Simplify Azure AD manager updates with PowerShell and a CSV file

#PowerShell #AzureAD

After a domain migration or other large organizational change, you may need to update hundreds of staff at the same time with manager information in Azure AD.

This can be a huge pain to do it through the GUI and there's an easier way to do it with PowerShell and a CSV file.

To perform this task, you'll need an account with the Azure AD Role of at least User Administrator. You will also need a Windows computer running PowerShell 5.1

First, get all current staff and managers from Azure AD and export them to a .csv file:

Install-Module AzureAD
$users = Get-AzureADUser -All $true | Where-Object { $_.UserType -ne 'Guest' } | foreach {
    $Manager = Get-AzureADUserManager -ObjectID $_.ObjectID 
    New-Object psobject -Property @{
        StaffDisplayName         = $_.DisplayName
        StaffUserPrincipalName   = $_.UserPrincipalName
        ManagerDisplayName       = $Manager.DisplayName
        ManagerUserPrincipalName = $Manager.UserPrincipalName

$users | Select-Object StaffDisplayName, StaffUserPrincipalName, ManagerDisplayName, ManagerUserPrincipalName | Export-Csv -Path 'c:\users.csv' -notypeinformation 

This will output a .csv file at c:\users.csv and will have the following columns and formatting:

StaffDisplayName StaffUserPrincipalName ManagerDisplayName ManagerUserPrincipalName
John Smith Jane Doe

Then, open the .csv file and update the manager fields for each staff you want to update. You can enter the manager's email address/UPN in column ManagerUserPrincipalName or you can use the manager's display name (firstname lastname) in column ManagerDisplayName. I haven't tried the script with both, so save yourself a headache just use one or the other like this:

StaffDisplayName StaffUserPrincipalName ManagerDisplayName ManagerUserPrincipalName
John Smith Guy Person

After that, save the file and run this PowerShell script:

Import-csv -Path 'C:\users.csv' | ForEach-Object {
    if ($_.ManagerUserPrincipalName) {
        Write-Host "Updating manager for user $($_.StaffDisplayName) as $($_.ManagerUserPrincipalName)"
        if ($_.StaffUserPrincipalName) {
            Set-AzureADUserManager -ObjectId $_.StaffUserPrincipalName -RefObjectId (Get-AzureADUser -ObjectID $_.ManagerUserPrincipalName).ObjectID
        else {
            Write-Host "No StaffUserPrincipalName found for user $($_.StaffDisplayName)"
    elseif ($_.ManagerDisplayName) {
        Write-Host "Updating manager for user $($_.StaffDisplayName) as $($_.ManagerDisplayName)"
        if ($_.StaffUserPrincipalName) {
            Set-AzureADUserManager -ObjectId $_.StaffUserPrincipalName -RefObjectId $(Get-AzureADUser -Filter "displayName eq '$($_.ManagerDisplayName)'").ObjectID
        else {
            Write-Host "No StaffUserPrincipalName found for user $($_.StaffDisplayName)"
    else {
        Write-Host "No manager found for user $($_.StaffDisplayName)"

I hope this helps!
