Tim D'Annecy


#bash #linux

QNAP recently enabled a maintenance prompt that appears when you connect over SSH. In the current version of the QNAP OS, I'm not able to turn off the prompt via GUI and needed to run a bash command to get it to go away.

I found this command somewhere and it's been working for me:

sed -r -i.bak 's/^(.*admin.*qts-console-mgmt.*)$/#\1/' /etc/profile

#FreeBSD #Linux

I was trying to protect a file in a jail on my FreeNAS server but the chmod +t tag wasn't cutting it for me. I wanted to use flags to protect the file, a common practice in FreeBSD and other POSIX systems.

I tried running chflags schg foo.bar, but the terminal spat out “Operation not permitted.” I was puzzled. There are multiple instances where chflags support was added to ZFS many versions ago so I didn't understand why I couldn't use the feature.

I found out that the default FreeNAS jails template creates jails without support for changing flags. I had to go into the web interface and open up my jail instance, open the Advanced Settings, and add allow.chflags=1 to the Sysctls field.

Make sure you have a comma separating any other existing configuration and that you restart the jail for the changes to take effect.

Here's my current Sysctls field:


I'm running a jail version FreeBSD 10.3-STABLE #0 r295946+21897e6695f(HEAD) on FreeNAS-9.10.2-U6 (561f0d7a1).

#Linux #bash

I'm using a Lenovo Thinkpad x240 with Elementary and I'm not happy with its performance. The laptop runs hot around 60°C and I can barely squeeze out an hour and a half when I'm on battery. The battery life is much better on Windows 10 and anecdotally, it runs cooler.

I found a few helpful packages for Intel hardware and there are also a few Thinkpad-specific packages in the repos that promise to improve performance. After running the commands below, restart and you should be golden. I'm getting much better battery life after these and I'm not noticing a performance hit.

Run this in bash:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp -y && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install tp-smapi-dkms acpi-call-dkms thermald intel-microcode tlp intel-gpu-tools -y && sudo tlp start