March 16, 2025
# Pico8 # game
Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a demake of the Nebula Bytes Betweenle game in Pico8 .
There are some bugs in the way the scale is calculated and I want to add a two player mode, but it's ready for play now!
Play it here:
September 9, 2024
# Pico8 # game
Over the weekend, I finished coding a demake of the New York Times Connections game in Pico8 .
There are a lot of bugs in the code right now, but it's playable and I was able to squeeze in the puzzles from July, August, and the first week of September and came right under the Pico8 cartridge size limit.
Play it here!
August 31, 2023
# pico8 # game
Over the weekend, I coded a small two player game in Pico-8 called “Odd One Out”.
To play, try to find the one character on the screen that it not like the others. The font that Pico-8 uses is great for this kind of game.
Check it out:
It was a fun experience!