Tim D'Annecy


#Pico8 #game

Over the past few weeks, I've been working on a demake of the Nebula Bytes Betweenle game in Pico8.

There are some bugs in the way the scale is calculated and I want to add a two player mode, but it's ready for play now!

Play it here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=147870



#Pico8 #game

Over the weekend, I finished coding a demake of the New York Times Connections game in Pico8.

There are a lot of bugs in the code right now, but it's playable and I was able to squeeze in the puzzles from July, August, and the first week of September and came right under the Pico8 cartridge size limit.

Play it here! https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=144092



#pico8 #game

Over the weekend, I coded a small two player game in Pico-8 called “Odd One Out”.

To play, try to find the one character on the screen that it not like the others. The font that Pico-8 uses is great for this kind of game.

Check it out:


Odd One Out game

It was a fun experience!

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