Fix Meraki VPN services with Powershell after running FortiClient

#Powershell #Windows #Networking

I have a client that is transitioning their network equipment from Fortigate to Meraki. Part of this transition is testing the Meraki Client VPN instead of the FortiClient application.

We found that that on first run, the FortiClient VPN app disables some services that are needed for the Meraki VPN connection to successfully authenticate. If users don't have Local Admin permissions, they are unable to make any changes to the services to fix the issue.

To work around this, I created a small PowerShell script that can be deployed through GPO or Intune. It stops all of the FortiClient services and processes and re-enables the services that Meraki's VPN uses. It also creates a transcript and stores the log to C:\Fix-MerakiVPN.log that you can use for troubleshooting.

Here's the script:

#Requires -Version 1
  Closes and disables FortiClient VPN services and apps. Checks and configures Windows services to allow Meraki VPN connection.
  Closes and disables FortiClient VPN services and apps. Checks and configures Windows services to allow Meraki VPN connection.
  Log file stored in C:\Fix-MerakiVPN.log
  Version:        1.0
  Author:         Tim D'Annecy
  Creation Date:  2022-06-07
  Purpose/Change: Initial script development

$ServicesToStop = 'FA_Scheduler'#, 'FMAPOService'
$ServicesToStart = 'PolicyAgent', 'IKEEXT'
$AppsToStop = 'FortiClient', 'FortiSettings', 'FortiSSLVPNdaemon', 'FortiTray'

function Fix-MerakiVPN {
  foreach ($App in $AppsToStop) {
    if (Get-Process -Name $App -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
      Write-Host 'Application running. Stopping:' $App
      Stop-Process -Name $App -Force 
    else {
      Write-Host 'OK: Application not running or not installed:' $App
  foreach ($service in $ServicesToStop) {
    if ((Get-Service $service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).status -eq 'Running') {
      Write-Host 'Service running. Stopping:' $service
      $ServicePID = (get-wmiobject win32_service | Where-Object { $ -eq $service }).processID
      Stop-Process $ServicePID -Force
      Set-Service $service -StartupType Disabled
    else {
      Write-Host 'OK: Service not running or not installed:' $service
  foreach ($service in $ServicesToStart) {
    if ((Get-Service $service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).status -eq 'Running') {
      Write-Host 'OK: Service running:' $service
    else {
      Write-Host 'Service not running. Starting:' $service
      Set-Service $service -StartupType Automatic -Status Running 
      Start-Service $service 

Start-Transcript -Path 'C:\Fix-MerakiVPN.log' -Append
