Tim D'Annecy


#Orchestry #Teams #PowerShell

My company recently performed a domain name change in SharePoint and Entra ID/Azure AD. Among other things, this migration required us to re-install and re-deploy Orchestry from scratch.

After re-installation, some sites did not have the correct “Team Information” tab listed in the General channel. “Team Information” is a critical tab that is installed/added to a Team when the Team is provisioned through the regular Orchestry workflow. Without the tab, regular users can't request or add new Guests to the Team, which is a huge headache if your tenant is configured for Orchestry governance and have dis-allowed any Guest additions, aside from admins. The tab appears like this:

Screenshot of a Teams team, General channel, on the "Team Information" tab from Orchestry

In the case of our migration, this tab wasn't showing the correct information and wouldn't load on all sites that were created with Orchestry. This tab was also missing on all other Teams that weren't provisioned using Orchestry.

To fix this issue, I wrote a PowerShell script that adds the tab to the General channel on all Teams in bulk.