Tim D'Annecy


#Orchestry #Teams #PowerShell

My company recently performed a domain name change in SharePoint and Entra ID/Azure AD. Among other things, this migration required us to re-install and re-deploy Orchestry from scratch.

After re-installation, some sites did not have the correct “Team Information” tab listed in the General channel. “Team Information” is a critical tab that is installed/added to a Team when the Team is provisioned through the regular Orchestry workflow. Without the tab, regular users can't request or add new Guests to the Team, which is a huge headache if your tenant is configured for Orchestry governance and have dis-allowed any Guest additions, aside from admins. The tab appears like this:

Screenshot of a Teams team, General channel, on the "Team Information" tab from Orchestry

In the case of our migration, this tab wasn't showing the correct information and wouldn't load on all sites that were created with Orchestry. This tab was also missing on all other Teams that weren't provisioned using Orchestry.

To fix this issue, I wrote a PowerShell script that adds the tab to the General channel on all Teams in bulk.


#OneDrive #Windows #SharePoint #Teams #Microsoft #MacOS

Earlier today, a user was looking for recommendations for which file shortcut to use that would be cross-platform compatible. The user wanted everyone who was invited to a shared folder to be able to click links to other locations without much hassle. If you've used OneDrive, Teams, and/or SharePoint across different devices, you may have run into issues where shortcuts work on certain devices and other shortcuts are un-openable. This can be really confusing if you're working with a group of people that have a mix of device types.

I did a little bit of testing and I can say that right now, the best option for cross-device compatible shortcuts is to use the .url format created on the web in SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams.

This post will go into different file shortcuts across platforms and how to create these .url shortcuts. I'm not focusing on mobile devices because hopefully your users only access files through the official Microsoft apps and are not directly downloading files. This post may save you some headaches going forward.


#Powershell #Azure #Teams

A company I'm working with is located in multiple countries and has added Multi-Geo licenses for Microsoft 365. Recently, we rolled out Orchestry to streamline requests and approvals for creating new Teams on behalf of staff.

Currently, one of the shortcomings of Orchestry is the lack of support for Microsoft's multi-geo capabilities. If you have a tenant spanning more than one location, you will need to manually move Teams that were provisioned in Orchestry after they've been created. The lack of multi-geo support is not great—a SharePoint Administrator is required to run PowerShell commands to manually move the site to bring it under compliance with any GDPR or other data governance requirements.

This post will detail the steps for a workflow that allows you to provision Teams in Orchestry and have them automatically moved to the correct location using a webhook and an Azure Automation Runbook.